Have you ever considered assessing your print environment? Not only will a thorough print assessment lead to substantial savings it can Improve efficiency, increase productivity, and enhance security.
While conducting your own print assessment is an option, many organizations turn to a Managed Print Services provider for their expertise and specialized tools. An MPS provider is an expert at gathering and analyzing print data, providing recommendations, and handling the implementation of their recommended solutions. Ongoing support and monitoring are provided to make sure the desired outcomes are achieved.
Here are five ways a print assessment can help you get your print environment under control and realize some significant savings!
- Consolidating equipment: A print assessment will identify any duplicate or unnecessary equipment, which can then be consolidated or eliminated. This not only reduces the number of devices that need to be maintained but also reduces the number of supplies that are needed, such as toner and ink.
Optimizing print settings: Many organizations don’t realize that their print settings are not optimized for their needs. A print assessment will identify any settings that can be adjusted to reduce the amount of toner or ink used, resulting in significant savings.
- Implementing duplex printing: Implementing duplex printing, which means printing on both sides of a sheet of paper, can immediately reduce paper consumption and costs. A print assessment will identify any devices that do not have duplex printing capabilities and recommend solutions to address this issue.
- Identifying and reducing hidden costs: Many organizations are unaware of the hidden costs associated with their print environment. An assessment will uncover any costs that aren’t immediately obvious, such as energy costs, and recommend solutions to reduce them.
- Implementing more efficient printing processes: A print assessment will pinpoint any inefficiencies in the organization’s printing processes, such as manual processes that can be automated.
A print assessment is a valuable tool for organizations looking to optimize their print environment and reduce costs. By consolidating equipment, optimizing print settings, implementing duplex printing, identifying hidden costs, and implementing more efficient printing processes, businesses can significantly reduce their print costs.
Don’t overlook the potential savings in your print environment! Contact your NATIONAL rep today to schedule a free comprehensive print assessment.
Committed to their customers since 1927, NATIONAL offers a range of Managed Services including IT Support and Augmentation, Cybersecurity, UCaaS, Managed Print, Document Management as well as VoIP/Telephony, Cloud Services, Printers, Copiers, MFPs, Product Print Equipment and SmartBoards.
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