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Adapting quickly to a rapidly evolving business climate has become commonplace, continuously posing new challenges for businesses. Managed IT Services offers an innovative approach to tackling the biggest technology worries that companies face today. Here are the top eight challenges, along with solutions:

1. Cybersecurity threats and data breaches – One of the biggest concerns for any business is cybersecurity. With the rise in sophisticated cyberattacks, it’s more important than ever to have systems and protocols to protect your data. Managed IT can help by providing 24/7 monitoring of your network for any suspicious activity and regular updates to ensure your systems are up-to-date with the latest security patches.

2. Keeping up with new and emerging technologies – Businesses often need help keeping up with the latest technologies, especially when integrating them into existing systems. Managed IT can help by staying on top of new technologies and trends and providing advice on which ones make sense for your business. They can also handle the implementation process so you can focus on running your business.

3. Integrating legacy systems with modern technology – Many businesses have legacy systems essential to their operations, but they need to work better with newer technologies. Managed IT can help by managing both systems and ensuring they work together seamlessly. They can also help migrate data from legacy systems to new ones, so you can take advantage of the latest technology while still being able to access your essential data. 

4. Managing and maintaining IT infrastructure and equipment – Maintaining a complex IT infrastructure can be a full-time job. Managed IT can help by managing and maintaining your infrastructure, so you can focus on running your business. This includes everything from keeping systems up-to-date and patched to troubleshooting issues when they arise.

5. Ensuring network performance and reliability – A slow or unreliable network can hinder business operations. Managed IT can help by monitoring your network 24/7 and proactively addressing any issues that might arise. They can also advise on improving network performance, such as upgrading hardware or implementing caching solutions.

6. Balancing the need for security with user productivity and convenience – Finding the right balance between security and productivity can be tricky, but getting it right is essential. Managed IT can help by implementing security measures that are effective but not overly restrictive, so users can still be productive. They can also provide training to users on how to stay secure without sacrificing productivity.

7. Providing secure remote access to employees working from home or on the go – With more employees working remotely than ever before, it’s essential to have a secure way for them to access company resources from outside the office. Managed IT can help by setting up a VPN or other secure remote access solution so that employees can work safely from anywhere. They can also provide training on securely using the remote access solution so employees know what to do to stay safe while working remotely.

8. Recruiting and retaining skilled IT talent to manage complex systems – With the ever-changing landscape of technology, it can be challenging to find and retain professional IT talent who can keep up with the latest trends and developments. This is where Managed IT comes in. By outsourcing your IT needs to an experienced team of professionals, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that experts are managing your systems. Plus, you won’t have to worry about recruiting or retaining skilled talent.

Businesses must be prepared for the changing landscape and the challenges that come with it. Managed IT Services can help companies to overcome these obstacles by providing support and strategies for success. If you need help figuring out where to start, ask us about a free IT assessment with us. We’ll analyze your current setup and make recommendations for improvement. Contact us today to get started!


Committed to their customers since 1927, NATIONAL offers a range of Managed Services including IT Support and Augmentation, Cybersecurity, UCaaS, Managed Print, Document Management as well as VoIP/Telephony, Cloud Services, Printers, Copiers, MFPs, Product Print Equipment and SmartBoards.

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