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Have you transitioned your business to the cloud yet? Not sure if it’s the right move for your company? There are many reasons that might hold a company back from making the move – but holding back could mean missing out on cloud advantages and advancements for your business.

What follows are six of the most common questions we’re asked about cloud computing – answered!

What exactly is cloud computing?

Cloud computing uses remote servers accessed and hosted online to manage, process, and store data rather than hosting on in-house servers. Essentially, you’re using someone else’s infrastructure and hardware to reduce your business’s capital investment.

How can I know if the cloud is right for my company?

Ask and answer these questions:

• How important are security, reliability, and flexibility?

• Is your current technology meeting your needs?

• How many users are there?

• Where are they located? (remote work, different offices)

• Are you satisfied with the cost of your on-premise solution?

• Are there costs to scale up?

• When was your last significant capital expenditure?

• Do you have any current commitments that could impact migration?

What do I need to do to prepare to migrate?

Typically, transitioning is easy when you work with a reputable Cloud Services provider like NATIONAL to handle the changeover. The most important consideration to migration is your bandwidth – you may need to upgrade before you migrate.

What processes can I move to the cloud?

There are many options. Start by looking at your business and cloud strategy. You may choose to slowly transition your entire IT environment or a single task. Most businesses use the cloud for data backup. Applications workloads can also be moved to the cloud.

Will I need to hire staff to transition?

The biggest benefit of working with a cloud services provider is that they will handle the nuts and bolts of transitioning. That said, having in-house expertise is helpful to make the transition run smoothly.

What about security?

Cloud providers have numerous security protocols in place so that in the event of an attempted breach, your data is secure, and easily restored. Protocols include encryption, identity management, and physical security. Your provider should also have continuity plans in place featuring redundant hardware, backup generators, and other measures to prevent downtime.

Here at NATIONAL we know about the challenges small and medium businesses face. Are you ready to talk? Give us a call and let us show you the benefits of transitioning your business to the cloud!

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